Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Free Topic: Election

Lately, I have been extremely confused about the election. This is the first presidential election that I have been able to vote in since turning 18, and I have been trying to take it seriously. I have taken numerous quizzes to see which candidate I am most likely to vote for, done research on most of the candidates, and tried to keep up with the debates. However, I am still not sure who the right person is to be our next president.
I am a Health Sciences major, so one of the issues that interests me most is what the candidates plan to do to improve our Healthcare system. The issue seems to be whether or not we should have a Universal Healthcare system. It is easy to see that there are extreme divisions between political parties concerning this issue. Politics, for the most part, just annoys me because everyone is more focused on which political party they are a part of, rather than voting based on the issues.
One of the main things that I am trying to do is focus on each individual issue, rather than voting for a party. I want to vote for the candidate, not the Republican or Democratic party. However, there is never going to be the perfect candidate with whom I agree 100 percent. This is why I am still very confused about this election.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You said it! I don't consider myself a democrat or a republican, and when I take the quizzes, I am usually right in the middle on my beliefs. That means that for this election, I am CONFUSED. So far, no one stands out as the best candidate to me. =o(