Monday, January 14, 2008

The Machine is Us/ing Us

I believe the title of this video is illustrating the idea that computer technology has become so advanced in recent years. We depend on computers for everything. One part of the video stated that the "machine" learns how to do new tasks each time a mistake is made. Today, the internet grants us access to everything, and we can search for practically any information we want. Web 2.0 affects someone ready to enter the workforce because it helps potential applicants to get their information out to companies. There are many websites that allow people to post resumes and apply for jobs. It can also affect people ready to enter the workforce negatively because companies can see any information about yourself that is posted on the web. For example, pictures and information posted on sites like Facebook or MySpace have become common ways for companies to seek information concerning their applicants. Web 2.0 affects workers already in the workforce because it allows them to research, etc. However, some workers may abuse the web while at work, thus causing them to be less productive. When the video stated, "We will have to rethink everything," I believe it was referring to the idea that the internet is changing everyday. New technology is allowing the internet's capabilities to expand. This can create problems with privacy, etc. We may be getting ahead of ourselves in terms of expanding what we can do and find on the internet. This could potentially lead to negative effects if we do not figure out how to handle the new technology.

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